Our menu, price and access for English

福岡県福岡市中央区今泉2丁目4-24 ヴェルドミール今泉201

2nd floor 2-4-24 Imaizumi Chuo-ku Fukuoka  opening hour 11am ~ 8pm

Staff with experience in London

Hair cutting for ladies and gentlemen   (with shampoo and blow dry)

Mitsu         ¥5,500

Misaki              ¥5,500

The one grade electric clipper, wash and finish.     ¥1500

Blow dry           ¥4,400

Colour    (with shampoo and blow dry)

All over colour                                                         from ¥7,700

All over colour and hair cut                            from ¥13,200

Full head highlights, tint and hair cut                from ¥2,2000

Half head highlights, tint and hair cut               from ¥19,800

Full head bleach, tint and hair cut                   from ¥18,700

Permanent hair straight    (with shampoo, blow dry and treatment )

Permanent hair straight and hair cut             from ¥22,000

Bridal  (Booking by appointment only) 

Hair set arrange      from ¥4000

Hair and make  from ¥9000

Facial massage  ¥3,500 (20 mins)

If there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact us.

092-781-0664  or  339japan@gmail.com